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Facebook Ads Are Changing In 2022 – Updates, Strategies & Tips

Have you ever noticed that your Facebook ads are being declined? Have your ever explore the realistic reasons behind this?
As Facebook ads and changes in the targeting option, privacy etc are common. Facebook has changed a lot in its advertising platform since its beginning and as a top social media marketing agency we are keeping and eye to the every single updates.

With the each advertising changes, we should not ask “WHY”, Instead we should ask “HOW”

  • How are the advertising changes?
  • How does it will impact to the businesses?
  • How I’ll learn & adopt this new changes & updates?

Here we have some latest updates being launched at 19th Jan 2022 that you should know for the better optimization of your ads –

“SOME” Detailed targeting option will be removed –

Facebook officials have said that some of its targeting option will be removed, please keep in ming that “SOME” of the options will be removed not all.
Its Facebook opinion that how to make the advertising more better & effective for the businesses. Facebook is agreeing to make some part of their ads platform to less personalised so that businesses can reach to the better matching consumers on their advertising platform.

The detailed targeting option that will be removed involve below options in the advertising panel –

  • Health
  • Race
  • Ethnicity
  • Sexual orientation
  • Religion
  • Political beliefs

After the latest updates of Facebook ads on 19th Jan 2022 Advertisers will no longer be able to target the audience based on their interest as given below –

  • Lung cancer awareness
  • LGBT culture
  • Jewish holidays
  • Social issues

Also Facebook will also use this update to remove targeting options on interest that advertiser have not been option for.
Here an explanation from “Meta” for business blogs how the advertiser & agencies can adapt the new updates & changes –

What does it mean for a marketing API

As the marketing API will change on 19th Jan 2022 but advertisers can continue the targeting till the 17th March 2022. Means advertiser can change/update their campaign after 19th Jan but before 17th March. Facebook recommendation is to “the list of ads ID’s are selected at affected object in depreciating targeting terms API”. Partner can check & evaluate the ads ids that may cause a pause in the ads delivery.
Before 17th march advertiser have time to make edits & changes in their campaigns, but Facebook will warn the edit sets Id’s like changes in targeting & placement options.

How You will know if have chosen a removed options –

After march 17th 2022, Advertiser & agencies choose a removed targeting option will see and error message from Facebook.
“Error code 100, sub code 18157520: Cannot Use Invalid Detailed Targeting Options: Some of Your Detailed Targeting Options Have Been Removed: This ad set includes detailed targeting options that are either no longer available or unavailable when excluding people from an audience. You may need to remove items from your ad set or confirm the changes to turn it back on.”
If you get this error message then advertisers need to be update their marketing campaign.
Facebook advertising are changing but we are not surprised, If you are then subscribe our newsletters so that you can get the latest social media & digital marketing updates.

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